
In the year 2018 astronomers documented and tracked a large asteroid they saw out by Jupiter, and the paths gave it anywhere from a ninety to ninety-two percent chance of impacting Earth. Despite attempts to keep the information hidden while they dealt with it, someone from inside the team leaked this and the proof out to the world, nearly causing a mass panic and outcry.

However, several major powers announced a team of scientists named Doomsday Clock had been formed and were currently working to find a solution to prevent the asteroid from impacting the planet, either by destruction or altering the course. The current time of arrival was 2021.

As the years came and went, plans were thought up and shot down, the size of the asteroid made remote destruction a near impossible concept and the technology to alter its course was not feasible to be built in three years. A plan was made in 2020, though it was a risky one.

With the help of aerospace companies and several major world powers, a ship was made that could carry a payload of five large nuclear warheads to impact the asteroid and, hopefully, destroy enough of it to a more manageable size. The plan required the rock to already be close to Earth, at least between it and it’s moon, and for the flight to be manned by one volunteer to ensure a collision with the rock. At this point the impact models predicted a near one hundred percent chance of impact, and another mass extinction event akin to the Cretaceous-Tertiary event.

In mid 2021, the shuttle was launched as the rock passed by the Moon, and civilian’s were advised on a date to seek shelter, and a time frame of a few weeks to ensure they could safely shelter in place during, giving them a month to prepare for this. The impact was reported as a success, with the rock blown into smaller pieces that, while damaging, shouldn’t be as bad as the original. Humanity took to shelters as the rocks rained down across the planet, and after the six week shelter period was up, people began to emerge into their new world…

May 11th, 2021
Hard to believe it’s been nearly three months since this all started, we come out of our shelters and basements to find the world in a hell of a state. People attacking people, people turned into rabid monsters, and everything broke down and no contact with any official sources. Fuck us right?

Deer Isle has faired better then other places, the survivors seem to be going by the idea of they are stronger together and most of them are even helping each other out. We keep hearing reports of S.T.A.G presence active on the island, also Sergei is around if the radio is to be believed…our scouts have reported one main settlement: Lamplight.

The place is big, and they have friends in a lot of places. They’ve pissed off a few people, befriended others, and somehow turned a few around into the other. Weird shit is happening around Deer Isle, and according to Boyd they even fended off the horde that came to Deer Isle with the help of several of the other groups and survivors. Maybe it is time we get ready to introduce ourselves?