Server Rules

By playing on our DayZ server you agree to following rules:

Conduct and Fair Play

1. We recommend using a recording software such as NVIDIA Shadowplay or Medal while playing on our server. Video evidence during tickets is invaluable and helps both staff and you with handling them.

2. Do not abuse game mechanics by using game bugs or mechanics in a not developer intended way. This included loot cycling, tent walls, underwater driving, and placing objects inside walls.

3. Do not Ghost in this server, Ghosting involves logging in and out of the server to gain an advantage. Examples are logging in to move into someone’s base then logging out to get past base defenses or logging out in an area your group is planning to do hostile actions to log in behind the enemy.

4. Be a good sport, don’t focus on the PVP aspect of the game over the Roleplay aspect of the server. Remember that most players won’t enjoy being constantly attacked or dominated by other players or large groups to the point where they can not accomplish regular roleplay or enjoy the game.

5. Don’t be a sore loser. This is just a game and we are all here trying to tell our stories and have fun, there is no reason to hold a grudge because someone beat you in a fight or stole your items in a roleplay scenario. If you are starting to have trouble separating out of character from in character, take a break and cool off. 6. Do not Metagame. Metagaming is the act of using information gained out of game such as via a discord, stream, or voice chat as information your character knows in game. All information your character knows must be gained in game while you are playing them and roleplaying.

7. Do not god or power game. This is the act of forcing an action, condition, or belief through roleplay. Examples would be saying you remove someone’s eye or say you cut off their hand. These actions may be done if the player consents to it via being asked using the OOC game chat. Extreme actions such as rape are considered power gaming no matter if consent if given, and Erotic/Sexual RP in general is not allowed.

8. Soundboards and voice changers are not allowed. These break immersion and can cause a lot of confusion for players.

Player Character Creation Guidelines

1. No characters that are copies or take heavy inspiration from fictional characters e.g Rick Grimes

2. No supernatural characters or characters that defy logic e.g Demons or undead characters

3. If you want a character that is linked to the lore then please open a ticket in order to discuss with the admin team

4. No ‘Jack of all trade characters’ We want to avoid the stereotypical RP of Action men who are super soldiers or advanced special forces. Go for more grounded characters such as a construction worker, firemen, police officers, regular soldier etc to have a more grounded experience and also allow for character growth during the apocalypse.

5. Bandit/hostile characters are allowed and accepted, however please avoid having a character whose sole purpose is to just kill other players. Have an interesting background that could lead to hostile RP that would be satisfying to other players and yourself

6. Please ensure your discord name is set to your characters name, as well as your in game name through the launchers, this helps admin staff a lot with tickets.


1. Roleplay on this server should not include hate speech, slurs, or derogatory language or actions of any kind. Be nice to your fellow players, we are all here to have fun.

2. While in-game you are required to be in character at all times and can not ignore someone’s attempt to roleplay with you. No out of character conversations should be taking place during a roleplay encounter. If you need to step away from your computer mid roleplay please make an excuse to exit the situation (“Hey I need to go lay down”)

3. Your character should behave realistically and with value for their own life and survival. You must also value life, just because someone is not immediately complying with a demand doesn’t mean you can just shoot them unless you are acting to defend your own life or the life of your ally.

4. Do not focus on out of character gains over roleplay. Examples would be “gearplay” where you are more concerned with getting loot, or “ruleplay” where you are more concerned with getting kill right or ooc information. Always prioritize roleplay.

5. New Life Rule. When your character dies in a roleplay situation, you lose all your memories of the situation that led to your death and may not return to the area of your death (Within 300 meters) for one hour. You may not get involved in the situation that led to your death even if it moves location or the one hour passed. A Situation is considered ongoing so long as one side still has kill rights (Found in the Hostilities section) over another.

6. OOC communication should only be done though the in-game text and only when absolutely necessary. We recommend using something like ( ) around the text or // in front of it to show it is meant to be OOC.

7. Do not impersonate another character or group in a way that would harm them or their reputation. This includes knowingly wearing their group uniform to discredit or put blame onto the group.

Character Death

1. The player of a character may choose to retire their character by having them leave the land if they have a good reason too in roleplay. If you wish to do this submit a ticket with your reasoning. You will be allowed to F11 your character and remake a new one. This new character will have no memories of the previous including groups, people, locations, and codes nor can it have any relation to your previous character. If you are part of a group they will be made aware of your choice and any codelocked storage you had will be unlocked for them. If you were solo your base flag will be removed and the base unlocked.

2. Another player may put in a ticket to get character death rights on another character. This requires a lot of roleplay between the characters and proof of the characters being actively hostile to each other for a time. If it is approved the character who gained the kill rights must capture the character alive and roleplay with them, giving them one last attempt to make amends and this interaction must be recorded. If it is denied and the character can not be convinced, the character may be killed and it will be ruled as a permanent death. The permanently killed character is subject to the same rules as rule 1.

3. If you are found to have not valued your life multiple times during your characters life and during situations, a character death may be enforced. The new character will be subject to the same rules as rule 1.


1. When two or more players decide to join together, they can form a Faction. A faction’s member base together and the more players a faction has the more they can build together as listed below in the base building section

2. Factions should have a uniform of some kind to distinguish each other, an armband is usually recommended but a second item like a specific helmet, vest, or even weapon is also recommended when the faction gets larger or more factions begin to form.

Base Building

1. Solo players and factions are allowed one base and one flagpole for the base. A faction of 6 or more members is also allowed one outpost with flagpole. Any building outside of these flagpoles’ radius’ will be removed.

2. Bases must be realistic in size and can not have unsupported floating pieces.

3. It is preferred that bases use on map buildings as much as possible to save on server lag, or a free standing base be built away from main roads.

4. As a Solo player, your base may have a total of ten (10) placed walls and three (3) codelocks, including gates, doors, and storage. Solos are also allowed one (1) car and one (1) boat.

5. As a Faction, your base may have a total of twelve (12) walls plus two (2) walls per additional member past the starting two members. You are also allowed three (3) codelocks plus one (1) codelock for every two additional members past the starting two members. You are also allowed two (2) cars plus one (1) car for every five members past the starting two, and one (1) boat plus one (1) boat for every five members past the starting two) (Example: A two member faction is allowed 12 walls, 3 codelocks, 2 cars and 1 boat. A seven member faction is allowed 22 walls, 5 codelocks, 3 cars and 1 boat.)

6. A Factions outpost is limited to ten (10) walls and three (3) codelocks. 7. A base may only have two (2) watchtowers

8. Rags Base Building should only be used for making buildings, not walling off your base.

9. A faction is only allowed one underground base and it must be inside one of their territory flags.

10. Main roads may not be fully blocked during base building. Obstacles may be placed in the road to slow down cars, but they must be navigable by the vehicles and a warning sign constructed 100m before the obstacles is recommended if you are near main roads, but not required.

11. Do not build inside military areas, the oil rigs, or the Arctic and temple islands.


1. Random Deathmatch (RDM) Is attacking someone without any roleplay interaction is not allowed on this server. Vehicle Deathmatch (VDM) is using a vehicle to run over another player without any roleplay interaction and is also not allowed on this server.

2. There is no KIll on Sight (KOS) on this server. Every hostile interaction must be roleplayed out and have roleplay leading to the hostilities. Demands must be made if you intend to steal from another player and suitable time (around thirty seconds) to respond to said demands given.

3. All hostile interactions should be done to forward roleplay, do not just bandit people for fun or to try and initiate PVP encounters, do so because you need something specific like food, medicine, or ammo.

4. Defenders are granted kIll rights in self defense of yourself or your ally if they have been attacked and you have seen it. The Attacker is granted kill rights if the defender does not respond within the suitable time, if they refuse to submit to your demands, or if they draw or raise a weapon.

5. Snipers are allowed during hostile RP, but they may not initiate the fight. If they see their ally under attack they are allowed to respond to the attack.

6. Explosives are allowed during hostile RP but may not be used to initiate the RP. If you end up harming or killing someone who is not involved in the hostile RP and you do not have KOS rights on it will be considered KOS.

7. A Vehicle may be used as a weapon to run over an attacker or defender, but requires roleplay beforehand and demands made or that the fight has already started.

8. Hostages may be taken during hostile roleplay and should be taken care of, ensuring their needs (Food, water, clothing) are met by the hostage takers while demands are being made to their friends for their release. A Hostage may only be captured for one (1) day unless they give OOC consent to be captured for longer, and must still be roleplayed with during this period of time. If they do not agree to being taken longer they must be let go at a location that hostage taker gets to decide on where they will not be immediately killed, and must be left with clothes, food, water, and a light source of some kind. A hostage may only be killed if they resist demands or attempt to escape or fight back during being captured.

Base Raiding

1. A base may not be raided without demands first being made as listed below. This means you may not steal anything from another base, even ones that are not completely blocked off yet, without roleplay beforehand.

2. A base that is not fully blocked off may be raided if the owner is at the base following the above Hostility rules. You may only take from the base what you can fit inside your backpack.

3. A base that is fully blocked can only be raided by either telling the owner through roleplay your demands of what items to be given or by leaving a note demanding the items and a place and time to deliver them. In either scenario you must give the owners of the base five (5) days to respond to the demands.

4. If the demands for the raid are not met, and the five days have gone by, you are allowed to raid the base within two (2) days after the initial five days have ended.

5. Always record your base raid and we also recommend a picture of the note being left on the base
The raiders may not have more than 6 members in their raid group.

6. During a base raid, the raiders may saw off code locks and are allowed to fill each of their backpacks full of items.

7. After a successful base raid, the attacker is not allowed to raid that solo or faction’s bases for seven (7) days.

Factional Wars

1. A faction may declare a full war with another faction after many hostile interactions between the two and a lot of roleplay between the two, allowing the factions to attempt to make more permanent, lasting changes to whichever faction loses the war. This should only be used to further the hostile roleplay between the factions and not as a means to bully smaller factions or to force PVP scenarios.

2. For a war to be declared, a ticket must be made with proof of repeated hostile interactions between the attacking faction and the defender, subject to admin approval if the war rights are allowed.

3. If war rights are gained a meeting must be set up on neutral ground between the two factions and their allies with one admin present to document the meeting. This meeting will set the terms of the war, what each side considers its objective to victory, what uniforms each side’s combatants will wear, what each side wants to gain out of the war, and a cease fire period between the two factions of at least one (1) day after the meeting is over for war preparations.

4. If another faction has an allied faction that will join the war, they must be present at the meeting as well to declare their support for their ally. They will be considered fully apart of the war, and will be subject to the same rules as their ally.

5. A war goal should be something attainable such as conquering a base or capturing a specific player. This war goal must also be something that can be fought over, so the other side has a chance to retake it.

6. What each side gains out of the war should also be attainable, like forcing a faction out of territory, the death of a specific player character permanently, being given a specific vehicle the faction has, or taking over one of the faction’s bases.

7. The Admin staff will keep a documentation of the war, factions involved, and the war goals.

8. After the terms of both sides have been stated, and a ceasefire period either agreed on or defaulting to the one day minimum, the meeting is over and the cease fire immediately goes into effect. If one side attacks the other during the ceasefire it will be considered KOS.

9. During a war, the two sides may attack each other on sight once they determine the discussed combatant uniform of the other side is correct and they are wearing their discussed combatant uniform.

10. The other faction’s bases may be raided freely by the other without warnings.

11. When one of the sides war goals has been achieved they must make a ticket with proof to inform the admins. The other faction has three (3) days to retake the war goal. If they are unable to, the war is considered a victory for the side who has attained its war goal. The war is considered over and that side’s gains will go into effect immediately.

12. Once the war is over, the faction who declared war may not declare another war for fourteen (14) days afterwards.