
An RP server, for Rp players, By RP players

Why Us?

We are a DayZ roleplay server created by roleplayers for other roleplayers.
Our dedicated staff works the best they can to write and develop storylines that are both entertaining and mysterious.
We strive to ensure highers quality of roleplay, while also ensuring server is still fun to play at.

About Owners

"A Veteran DM of 15+ years who loves nothing more then telling a good story and ensuring fun is had by all his players."
“An system administrator from Poland, who enjoys roleplay of various kinds. A weirdo that enjoys messing around with all sort of servers, also insists he can act professionaly - but no one belives him. Not a great roleplayer but loves doing serverside work."
“Long standing DM and Role player. Enjoys providing a role play experience for players to remember. Old man at heart.”